Update: Teacher Assessed Grades & Covid 19

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Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope all is well with you. We’re working really hard at Newhaven to make sure the year 11s and 6th formers who are finishing courses this year have all the evidence we need to justify giving them the best grades we can.

Teacher Assessed Grades

It is important that students who would have been sitting exams this year are in school as much as possible so they don’t miss any assessments. If you have any questions about what your child is doing or how the system works this year please look at the Teacher Assessed Grades section of the website. I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that school is closed on Friday May 21st so we can carry out moderation and evidence assembly for the TAGs

Covid 19

Staff are currently receiving their second vaccines and I am pleased to say that we have had no cases of Covid 19 connected to the school since our return on the 8th of March. Transmission in Greenwich is extremely low but it is important that we continue to follow the risk assessments in school. Where they can, all students and staff should be testing twice a week and we will be issuing new packs of tests next week.

Yours faithfully,

Jon Kelly
Head Teacher
