Uniform update during hot weather

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Dear Parents and Carers,

Hot weather on Monday and Tuesday of next week

I am emailing you in light of the current hot temperatures and the extremely hot weather we are expecting on Monday and Tuesday. Please can you make sure that your child brings a bottle of water to school so that they remain hydrated during the day. I have also made some adjustments to the uniform code this week so students are not required to wear ties and may keep their shirts untucked. This may look scruffy but is helping to keep them a bit cooler!

On Monday and Tuesday students will be allowed to wear shorts and t-shirts to school if they wish. Shorts should be knee length and t-shirts should provide good coverage. Any student arriving with shorts which are too tight or skimpy or crop tops for example will be sent home to get changed. Also, can you ensure that T-shirts have no inappropriate words or images on them.

The temperature is due to drop again on Wednesday when we will return to the current uniform requirements.

Yours faithfully,
Jon Kelly (Headteacher)
