Return to school and testing update – March 2021

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Dear parents and carers,

The full return to school at Newhaven has been really successful and it has been great to see so many of our students back in the building. Long may it last. Students have been following the new mask regulations fairly well but do need reminding regularly in some cases. Please can you reinforce this at home as mask wearing where we can is very important if we are to keep school free of coronavirus.

Testing has also been positive. Staff are now testing twice a week at home and students have been tested in school. So far we have had no positive cases. Students will begin testing at home from next week. Your child will bring home a testing kit with three kits and instructions on using them by the end of this week. They will also have a demonstration in assembly this week. We have enough kits until the end of term and then I assume the government will restock us. Can you please:

  1. Support your child in testing at home twice a week.
  2. Carry out one test at the weekend and one on a Wednesday or Thursday night.
  3. Let us know immediately if your child tests positive. They should self isolate and then get a PCR test which they can book online here.
  4. If this test is positive your child and household will need to self isolate for 10 days from the original test. If it is negative, they can return to school.
  5. Please let us know immediately if your child tests positive so we can trace any close contacts in school.

Thanks for your co-operation in all of this and please contact school if you are not sure of anything. Our aim as always, is that your child will be in school, learning and enjoying themselves.

Yours faithfully,

Jon Kelly (Headteacher)
