Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you have had a restful and peaceful Summer and am writing to tell you about the return to school at Newhaven as we look forward to an exciting year which will hopefully be free of lockdowns.
The start of term
Wed 1st and Tuesday 2nd September: Staff training days – no students in school.
Friday 3rd September: Return to school interview. You should have a time for this and will be contacted from Wednesday if you haven’t. You will meet with your child’s mentor or tutor and maybe with other staff to update us on any developments over the Summer and prepare for the start of term.
Monday 6th September: All return to school at 9am unless you have different arrangements.
COVID risk assessment
Our guidance has changed significantly:
- Students will be tested twice in the first week back. Staff will continue to test twice weekly.
- Masks (except on transport if requested), social distancing and bubbles are no longer required in school. Students should not wear masks unless their anxiety is extremely high without them. You can discuss this at your return to school meeting.
- Close contacts of those with positive Covid tests no longer need to isolate if they are fully vaccinated or under 18yrs and 6months. If we have cases in school, these will be followed up by track and trace and not by the school.
- Students with symptoms of Covid (cough, temperature, smell and taste) must not come to school until they have had a negative PCR test.
- We will continue to have an enhanced cleaning programme and maintain good ventilation.
Greenwich are also supporting the vaccination programme for 16 and 17 year olds. I have attached a letter from public health with information about vaccines for you.
Yours faithfully,
Jon Kelly (Headteacher)