Dear Parents and Carers,
Newhaven closure due to strike action: 5th and 7th of July 2023
School will be closed on Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July (next week) due to strike action. We have been working on how we keep the school open but have had a significant number of staff both on strike and now off work because they have childcare issues as their children’s schools are shut. This means it is impossible to open the school safely.
We will open for particularly vulnerable children so please contact your child’s tutor or mentor if this applies to you. There will also be work available online with the expectation that students will log on and do a couple of hours work during the day. Please contact the school if you have any difficulties with this.
It is my hope that the government will begin to work with the unions to resolve this situation so it does not continue into the Autumn term. Schools everywhere are under significant financial pressure and whilst at Newhaven we have planned so this has not had a major impact on our student’s provision, this is getting harder to achieve.
Yours faithfully,
Jon Kelly