Newhaven Book Beats – June 2021

Empathy Day 2021 Book List

Newhaven School Library Blog/News, Reviews and Giveaways

Carole Oldfield

Remember to always use your Newhaven School email account to contact me.

Empathy Day is June 10th 2021

Here are a few quotes from the Empathy Day website. Have a think and see if you agree or disagree with each one.

Empathy Day focuses on understanding and listening to each other, and using books to step into someone else’s shoes.

Empathy is imagining and sharing someone else’s feelings.

The more you empathise with characters’ feelings, the more you understand how other people work. Train your brain with stories!

I am reading my way through the Authors and Illustrators pages on the website, especially the Empathy Shorts stories. They are no more than two pages long and fun to read alone or share and discuss with others.

I also recommend a look into the Illustrators’ Gallery full of great pictures exploring the theme of Empathy and Reading. Pictures play a vital role in conveying emotions and feelings and help readers understand their own and other people’s perspectives.

empathy day logo

Tell me which book you would like from the Empathy Day 2021 Book List and why it caught your eye. You can find out more about the books and covers on the internet or look at the list in the library.

Here’s my choice. I have judged the book by its cover but I also had a quick look on the internet. I haven’t read it yet and will be ordering it for the library.

“My book choice for Empathy Day is ‘The Space We’re In’ by Katya Balen. The gold writing and different shades of blue on the cover caught my eye. Then I noticed the two tiny figures looking up to the sky. It looks full of wonder and hope but maybe it’s a little sad too.” Carole Oldfield

New in Newhaven School Libraries

newhaven library books

Just arrived, new non-fiction books for Gardens and Kings Park libraries

New non-fiction titles are just coming out of the box. If you enjoy reading true stories and information books full of facts I am sure you will enjoy browsing through these books.

If there is another subject you would like to read about please do let me know.

Jhalak Prize Winner 2021

patrice lawrence

Author, Jhalak Prize winner, Patrice Lawrence

In May Book Beats I wrote about the new Jhalak Prize for Children’s and YA fiction. The 2021 winner is Patrice Lawrence with her book ‘Eight Pieces of Silva’. Patrice Lawrence was born in Brighton and brought up in an Italian and Trinidadian household. She worked for more than 20 years for charities supporting equality and social justice. These themes are important to her work.

‘Eight Pieces of Silva’ is an addictive mystery that refuses to let you go.

In under 50 words: “Becks and Silva are opposites, but bond over their obsession with K-pop. When Silva disappears, Becks ventures into the forbidden territory of Silva’s room and finds the first of eight clues that help her discover her sister’s secret life.”

Send me an email with the answer to this question to win a copy:
In this June edition of Book Beats where can you see a picture of the cover of ‘Eight Pieces of Silva’?

Memories of Story Time

Cast your mind back to primary school and ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. You are not the only one to have read or listened to it. It has sold nearly 50 million copies to date and been translated into more than 60 languages.

eric carlevery hungry caterpillar

Eric Carle Self Portrait

There are just 224 words in this story and it is said to have sold a copy somewhere in the world every single minute since it was first published on 3rd June, 1969. Readers and listeners enjoy the repetition, the original images and colourful upbeat ending.

In under 50 words: “A simple story of a caterpillar who is born, feels hungry, eats a selection of rather inappropriate food, feels a bit sick, builds a cocoon and emerges as a butterfly.” From ‘Guardian article ‘Eat Your Heart Out’ October 2004 by Kate Taylor, freelance radio producer

Eric Carle, the author and illustrator, died last month, on May 23rd 2021.

To celebrate his work, apply for a gift copy of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Go to Eric Carle’s website, find the answer to this question and email it to me.
How many squares are used to show the process Eric Carle uses to paint tissue? Is it 2, 9 or 12?

Summary – June 2021 Book Beats Giveaways

Email your answers to me Remember to use your school email account. Apply for one of these gift book options:

  • Your choice from the Empathy Day book list
  • ‘Eight Pieces of Silva’ by Patrice Lawrence
  • ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle

Maximum one gift per person
Deadline: 30th June 2021. Students who answer correctly will be notified in July.
Available to students from all Newhaven sites, learning at home or at school.

May you walk in many colourful shoes this summer.

Best wishes from Carole, Newhaven School Librarian
