Hot weather adjustments

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Dear Parents and Carers,

Re Hot Weather Adjustments

As I write this, the weather forecast is at 39 degrees for Monday and Tuesday. The government and local authority re currently advising that we should stay open. However, if you have any concerns re the impact of the heat on your child, please let us know and I will authorise any absence due to this. We will also monitor your children carefully and if conditions in school are getting too much for them will contact you re them going home as necessary.

Please can you make sure your child comes to school with water and other drinks that are allowed. They should wear sun cream and have a hat for any outdoor activities. Adjustments we are making include:

  • Uniform: students can wear shorts and t-shirts. These should be loose fitting and not too revealing with no inappropriate slogans or pictures on them.
  • Drinks: we have bought in extra supplies of water and ice and students will be allowed regular drinks breaks and opportunities to top up any bottles they have.
  • Lessons: we will reduce the demands on students in lessons where appropriate with the priority being keeping everyone as cool as possible.
  • Medical concerns: first aiders and all staff have been briefed on the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke to help them care for your children and spot early if they start to become ill.
  • Rooming: we are planning to move some classes in the hottest parts of the building as well as giving students time in air conditioned rooms to cool off. This is more challenging at Gardens than King’s Park as there are only two small rooms with air con.

I will also monitor the situation around the building throughout the day and will adapt things as necessary as we go. It seems like we will have to get more used to working with such extremes as global warming continues to make an impact.

Yours Faithfully

Jon Kelly (Headteacher)

Newhaven School
