Dear Parents and Carers,
Just a quick email to wish you all a safe, healthy and peaceful break and let you know the details for starting next term. Newhaven has had a very successful term – attendance is creeping up (too slowly!), behaviour has been much better and the innovative teaching I see on a daily basis has led to lots of increased engagement from your children. It’s also been really useful for all of us the way you have engaged with the school this year. Working as a team for your young people is the best way to ensure they are successful. Our students are the reason we are here and I’d like to thank them for the hard work they have put in since September to overcome often significant difficulties to make sure they are here and learning. They amaze me every day. The final piece of the jigsaw is the staff. I’m sure you will join me in thanking them for all their hard work and dedication in supporting and educating your children to the high standard that they do.
Newhaven has an INSET day on Tuesday 4th January and students return on Wednesday 5th January 2022. Please make sure that they take a lateral flow test before they return so we can make sure we stay as Covid free as possible in the New Year. We will have testing in school on Friday 7th January – please encourage your children to take part in this. Like you, I am concerned with the picture regarding Omicron in January and the impact this might have on Newhaven. Please support us in helping to make sure we do everything we can to keep things running as normally as possible.
Yours faithfully
Jon Kelly (Headteacher)