Dates for parents and carers’ diaries

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Dear Parents and Carers,

We are rapidly approaching the end of a busy term at Newhaven and I am writing to inform you of arrangements for the end of term and the start of next term. School will close for the Easter holidays at 12.30 on Friday 31st March and return with an INSET day on Monday 17th April. Students will return to school at 9am on Tuesday 18th April.

During the Easter holiday, I would like you to encourage your children to read as much as possible. Books are available to borrow from the school library. For parents of year 11s and 6th formers sitting exams, they should now be spending a significant amount of time revising for their exams. Teachers have supplied revision packs and their is work available online on Google Classroom for many subjects. Please talk to subject teachers, mentors or tutors if you would like further guidance on this.

Yours faithfully

Jon Kelly (Headteacher)
Newhaven School
