COVID case at Newhaven Gardens

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Dear Parents and carers,

I am writing to tell you that a student has tested positive for Covid-19 over the weekend. The student is based at our Gardens site and we will be contacting members of their class separately but there is no need for them to self-isolate unless they develop symptoms of Covid-19. The symptoms continue to be:

  1. A raised temperature.
  2. A new and continuous cough or
  3. A change in sense of taste or smell

If your child has any of these symptoms then they must stay at home and you should book a PCR test for them by following this link: They can only return to school when they have had a negative test result or if they have self-isolated for 10 days from when the symptoms started. The rest of the family do not need to self-isolate as long as they are under 18 years 6 months old or have been double vaccinated. Adults who have not been double vaccinated still have to self-isolate.

If your child develops symptoms at school then we will contact you to send them home as quickly as possible. We have done well at minimising the impact of Covid-19 on the school so far this term and I would like that to continue. We know that the effects on students of not being in school is massive. By following these guidelines you can help us to minimise the risk to all of us.

Thanks very much for your co-operation,

Yours faithfully,
Jon Kelly (Head teacher)

Please click here to see our coronavirus guidance
