PE at Newhaven School

"Sport teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life."

The PE curriculum here at Newhaven emphasises the connection between theory and practical skills and is designed to emphasise a variety of activities which embeds both practical and theoretical knowledge to develop further interest for either examinations and/or participation in later life.

We aim to inspire our students to flourish in sport through knowledge, good ethics, skills and the confidence to ‘give things a go’.

We believe that PE has so much to offer; promoting healthy lifestyles, creating social opportunities and developing a deeper knowledge about the world of sport.

Our PE curriculum gives our students the chance to participate in a range of Team and Individual sports that break down social and gender barriers and provide the foundation to foster a lifelong love of sport, physical activity & mental & physical wellbeing which can be carried with them through life. We also believe that competition is very beneficial for our students and we enter them into as many competitions as possible.

Undertaking this curriculum allows the students to access traditional future careers such as Sports Physiotherapy and PE teaching. It also allows them to study further apprenticeship sports coaching and Personal training programmes.

Recent exam results:

50% of the students achieved their minimum target grade in Btec sport.
50% achieved unit certificate.

100% achieved L1 qualification

What we learn – Key Stage 3 Gardens & Engage Curriculum

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Describe the rules, regulations and scoring systems of football

Use relevant skills and techniques effectively, in football, in isolated practices

Review own performance identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
Circuit training
Fitness testing

To learn the muscles that are used at each station.

To know and understand the strengths and weaknesses of circuit training

To develop their physical strength, stamina, speed and flexibility to enhance their performances

To demonstrate good body tension and posture in various movements.

To perform the correct technique when bouncing and performing seat drops, twists, turns, and movements in air (tuck, pike and straddle).

To link each of the movements learned during the scheme into a 10 bounce routine which includes half and full turns. Students should be able to observe and appreciate the work of others and offer informed and positive feedback to performing individuals.

To understand the importance of raising heart rate at the start of the session and be able to demonstrate stretches appropriate to trampolining

Describe the rules, regulations and scoring systems of Basketball

Use relevant skills and techniques effectively, in Basketball, in isolated practices

Review own performance identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
Engaging with Diversity in PE

Describe the rules, regulations and scoring systems of Rounders

Use relevant skills and techniques effectively, in Rounders, in isolated practices

Review own performance identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

To be able to set up and use the starting blocks to begin a 100 metre sprint race. Students should understand the term ‘pacing’ and be able to apply pacing to races over longer distances. Students should understand how changeover boxes are used in the relay and should be able to apply this knowledge to the 4x400 and 4x100 relay race events. Students should be able to use more advanced techniques in the long jump ,shot and should be able to perform a basic javelin throw.

Commonwealth Legacy

Bowling Trip

Rebound Therapy

REBOUND THERAPY is used to facilitate movement, promote balance, promote an increase or decrease in muscle tone, promote relaxation, promote sensory integration, improve fitness and exercise tolerance, and to improve communication skills.

What students say
“I was very nervous, Ms Czapla very empathetic which made me feel more confident and calm. I enjoyed this course.”

“This was a great experience for me. I learnt new tricks and skills.”

“I enjoyed the trampoline sessions as they helped me physically and in particular improve my balance and coordination.”

rebound therapy

What we learn – Key Stage 4 Curriculum: BTEC SPORT

Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 10 Unit 2:

A:Understand the rules, regulations and scoring system of Table Tennis.
Unit 2:

A:Understand the rules, regulations and scoring system of football
Unit 2:

B: Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in football and table tennis.
Unit 2:

C:Be able to review sports performance
Unit 1:

A: Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training.

B: Explore different fitness training methods.

C : Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels
Unit 3:

B: Know about the musculoskeletal system and cardiorespiratory system and the effects on the body during fitness training
Year 11 Unit 2:

A:Understand the rules, regulations and scoring systems for selected sports
Unit 2:

B: Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in selected sports

C: Be able to review sports performance
Unit 1:

A: Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training.

B: Explore different fitness training methods.

C : Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels.
Unit 3:

A: Design a personal fitness training programme
Unit 3:

B: Know about the musculoskeletal system and cardiorespiratory system and the effects on the body during fitness training

C: Implement a self-designed personal fitness training programme to achieve own goals and objectives

D: Review a personal fitness training programme
Unit 6:

A: Know the attributes associated with successful sports leadership

B: Undertake the planning and leading of sports activities

C: Review the planning and leading of sports activities

What can I do with BTEC SPORT?
This course will give full-time learners the opportunity to enter employment in the sport and active leisure sector or to progress to other vocational qualifications such as the EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Sport and Sport and Exercise Sciences or on to GCE AS or A level.

YMCA Level 1 Award in Fitness and Physical Activity

Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 11 Unit 2

Unit 6

Unit 1

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5


What can I do with YMCA L1?
This qualification will support you should you decide to explore a career in the Sports industry. This may include becoming a qualified fitness instructor, working in a leisure center or Club or even assisting in physical education. There are many opportunities within the sport industry, and to access them you may need to complete further education in this subject, this includes L2 /L3/L4 in delivering physical activity which can be found here.


What we learn? First Aid Qualification for Year 11s & Post 16


  • CPR & AED

What can I do with with First Aid Qualification?
This qualification is valid for three years and it will give learners the opportunity to learn life skills and gain confidence to deal with emergencies as well as increasing your employability status.

Post 16 Playmaker online entry-level football course

What we learn?
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:

  • Confidently support fun, safe and inclusive football sessions
  • Help respond to concussion and sudden cardiac arrest emergencies as well as embed your Emergency Action Plan into your team/club
  • Encourage participation through effective use of motivation and communication techniques
  • Use the STEP framework to plan fun activities that meet players’ needs
  • Understand how to use England DNA principles of positivity, ball-rolling and game-based practice to create engaging sessions
  • Move on to our Introduction to Coaching Football course

What can I do with FA PLAYMAKER?
This course will give learners the opportunity to progress to other football qualifications such as FA Level coaching course.

fa playmaker certificate

PE at King's Park Campus

newhaven sports hall

What we learn – Key Stage 3 Curriculum: Foundation

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Invasion Games (equals curriculum) Badminton Basketball Gymnastics Rounders’(equals curriculum)

Engaging with Diversity in PE

What we learn – Key Stage 4 Curriculum: Core PE

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Basketball Circuit Training Boxing Trampolining Rounders’

Engaging with Diversity in PE

What we learn – Key Stage 4 Curriculum BTEC SPORT

Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 10 Unit 2:

A:Understand the rules, regulations and scoring system of Table Tennis.
Unit 2:

A:Understand the rules, regulations and scoring system of football
Unit 2:

B: Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in football and table tennis.

C:Be able to review sports performance
Unit 1:

A: Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training.

B: Explore different fitness training methods.

C : Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels
Unit 3:

B: Know about the musculoskeletal system and cardiorespiratory system and the effects on the body during fitness training
Year 11 Unit 2:

A:Understand the rules, regulations and scoring systems for selected sports
Unit 2:

B: Practically demonstrate skills, techniques and tactics in selected sports

C: Be able to review sports performance
Unit 1:

A: Know about the components of fitness and the principles of training.

B: Explore different fitness training methods.

C : Investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels.
Unit 3:

A: Design a personal fitness training programme
Unit 3:

B: Know about the musculoskeletal system and cardiorespiratory system and the effects on the body during fitness training

C: Implement a self-designed personal fitness training programme to achieve own goals and objectives

D: Review a personal fitness training programme
Unit 6:

A: Know the attributes associated with successful sports leadership

B: Undertake the planning and leading of sports activities

C: Review the planning and leading of sports activities

What can I do with BTEC SPORT?
This course will give full-time learners the opportunity to enter employment in the sport and active leisure sector or to progress to other vocational qualifications such as the EDEXCEL BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Sport and Sport and Exercise Sciences or on to GCE AS or A level.

What we learn – Key Stage 4/5 Curriculum: YMCA Level 1 Award in Fitness and Physical Activity

Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 11 Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6


What can I do with YMCA L1?
This qualification will support you should you decide to explore a career in the Sports industry. This may include becoming a qualified fitness instructor, working in a leisure center or Club or even assisting in physical education. There are many opportunities within the sport industry, and to access them you may need to complete further education in this subject, this includes L2 /L3/L4 in delivering physical activity which can be found here.

KS5 Enrichment and Extracurricular Clubs

King’s Park students in Key Stage 5 also have the opportunity to participate in the following PE activities:
  • Dance
  • Boxing
  • BMX
  • Gymnastics
  • Rebound Therapy

Millwall Experience