Humanities at Newhaven School

The humanities define who we are as a people. That is their power -- to remind us of what we each have to offer, and what we all have in common. To help us understand our history and imagine our future. To give us hope in the moments of struggle and to bring us together when nothing else will.

Humanities at Newhaven School

Humanities are the study of human culture. For this reason, humanities’ courses vary widely in scope and are available at both KS3 and KS4.

Newhaven offers students valuable opportunities to learn not only about themselves and their local communities but to develop an understanding of the world around them and how we all fit in to one global community.

Humanities allow students to not only understand their current experiences in the world but to also understand how the past has shaped us today and how our actions will shape the world in the future.

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
KS3 Humanities Gardens Project Project Project Project Project Project
KS3 Humanities Kings Park Structure of the Earth Structure of the Earth British Empire British Empire Introduction to world religions Democracy in Action
GCSE AQA History Kings Park Health and the People Health and the People Health and the People/FWW Health/FWW Mock exam/Entry Level FWW FWW
Entry Level Kings Park Normans Normans Normans assessment/FWW FWW FWW assessment Biography Deadline: May 6th
KS3 RSHE Being Safe (including puberty) Health and prevention Drugs, alcohol and tobacco Internet Safety and harms (social media focus) Equality (The law) Physical health and fitness
Year 10 RSHE Sexual Health & Relationships Health and prevention (self evaluation and screening) Drugs, exploitation and the law Internet IQ (broad topics - from fraud to porn) Equality (The law) Physical health and fitness
Year 11 RSHE Sexual Health & Relationships Health and prevention (self evaluation and screening) Drugs, exploitation and the law Coping with stress Internet IQ (broad topics - from fraud to porn)
P16/KS5 RSHE Sexual Health & Relationships Health and prevention (self evaluation and screening) Drugs, exploitation and the law Internet IQ (broad topics - from fraud to porn) Equality (The law) Physical health and fitness