Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
At Newhaven, we recognise the important contribution that CEIAG makes to the education of all of our students in order that they make a successful transition from school to their next chosen destination.
We endeavour to ensure that all students at Newhaven make informed decisions about their future so work closely with a range of agencies, employers, colleges and apprenticeship/training providers.
Newhaven offer a range of opportunities for students to learn about the world of work, the skills required and the pathways into industries.
We know that effective CEIAG increases student participation in learning, which in turn, raises attainment and supports further progression.
Newhaven provides targeted and timely career guidance for all students, with an enhanced level for those identified as being particularly vulnerable to leaving us without a place for Post16.
CEIAG Provision
The CEIAG programme at Newhaven builds in flexibility to accommodate all pupils, regardless of the point in their school career that they join us and has been created around the 8 Gatsby principles to ensure all students have access to high quality information, advice and guidance throughout their time with us.
The 8 Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career guidance are;
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Both out Careers Programme and CEIAG Policy are monitored and reviewed by Newhaven Senior Leadership Team each year and practise as an explicit aspect of the School Development Plan. Central to this development is a dialogue with all of our key partners, including the analysis of leavers’ data produced by the Early Help department of RBG.
You can find a detailed outline of our Careers Programme and CEIAG Policy below.
Employee & Further/Higher Education Engagement
At Newhaven we are passionate about giving students the opportunity to engage with external agencies to learn first-hand about the opportunities available to them post-Newhaven.
There are a number of ways in which you can support our students in developing their careers/Post16 knowledge:
- Take part in or deliver a workshop
- Deliver a talk to students about your career / education provider
- Attend parents evenings
Please see our Careers Access Policy for details about the best way to get in contact and how you can support Newhaven’s career programme.
Destination Data
Training Provider 7.7%
6th Form 33.3%
6th Form College 16.7%
FE College 19.2%
Receiving Mental Health Support 6.4%
NEET 7.7%
Supported Internship 1.3%
Working 5.1%
Apprenticeship 2.6%
Work Experience
Work experience is a great opportunity for students to learn fundamental skills for entering the world of work. It gives students the chance to not only explore potential career paths but also develop new skills.
At Newhaven we are passionate about giving students as much exposure to the working world as possible. We offer a two week block placement in November and again in June for our Y10 students. Where appropriate, some students (Y10+) access work experience placements one day per week throughout the academic year and at our Kings Park 6th Form students access course related work experience to enhance their knowledge.
Our Careers Lead will support students to source work experience placements but we also appreciate any support that can be offered by parents and employers. Please see below our ‘Own Find’ form required to be completed by employers for our students to undertake their placements with them. To find out about specific placement dates or any other work experience related queries, please contact Paige Crosby – Careers Lead.
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Use the widget below to get easy access to up to date labour market information. You can find out more about potential salaries, required skills, sectors and common tasks expected within a specific role.