Newhaven School Curriculum Intent 2023-25
At Newhaven, we are ambitious for our students and have designed our curriculum as the vehicle to ensure that they can overcome a range of disadvantages. We aim to provide them with the breadth of knowledge, cultural capital and understanding of the strength of diversity as well as the necessary support they need to succeed in life. This includes opportunities for success academically, technically and vocationally as well as the broader development of students’ interests, resilience and skills for life. It is also supported by a detailed development and knowledge of our students aspirations and interests which are supported by advice and guidance designed to take advantage of the local and wider educational and work environments.
To achieve these aims, the curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that students at Newhaven for longer periods of time experience a coherent growth in knowledge and skills and those with us for a short time have the necessary next steps in their learning carefully assessed and developed. This allows us to work on the gaps in knowledge and conceptual understanding caused by missing education for a variety of reasons including the pandemic.
We also ensure that our staff is specialist in the areas they teach or well supported where they are not, and have a range of training and curriculum development opportunities to maintain the curriculum focus and purpose.
As well as this, the Newhaven curriculum aims to:
- Provide the widest possible range of memorable, life affirming experiences.
- Develops learners’ confidence and enjoyment in reading.
- Allows learners to develop as healthy, engaged individuals and citizens by developing their resilience through the elements of play, psych education and by being trauma informed.
- Develops their understanding and appreciation of diversity.
- Ensures through planned progression that students have the best possible chance of accessing mainstream provision where appropriate.